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Chromix Silver F638 ST10


Decorative Collection

Specific Criteria



Bedroom Furniture
Kitchen Furniture
Bathroom Furniture
Retail Furniture
Other Furniture making
Kitchen worktops
Internal cladding/panelling
High Pressure Laminates
Melamine Faced Board
Edge Banding

F638 ST10 Chromix Silver recreates a plaster surface. In interior design, this character is perfect for the design of large wall surfaces, whilst in furniture design, it is often used for frontals and carcasses. The rough texture of the material is reproduced with ST10 Deepskin Rough. Matching laminate flooring is available for this decor.

02pi Ap Ren Ez18 Vds H1336 St37 Sand Grey Glazed Halifax Oak U750 St9 Taupe Grey 1

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Bedroom Furniture
Kitchen Furniture
Bathroom Furniture
Retail Furniture
Other Furniture making
Kitchen worktops
Internal cladding/panelling
High Pressure Laminates
Melamine Faced Board
Edge Banding

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